What is Human Design?
Human Design is a personal growth and expansion tool that helps you know yourself better. It is also an empowerment tool which combines astrology, chakra system, I-ching, Kabbalah and quantum physics.
How does a reading work?
With your place, date and time of birth I'll be able to see your chart and we'll go through it in two 1:1 sessions, 45 mins each.
After our live sessions, you'll receive your BLUEPRINT ( a document with all your personalised information) + the recording + a mp3 version in case you want to listen to it whilst you do other activities :)
What do we go through in a reading?
Everything about your design that will help you flow more, live with less resistance and embrace your AUTHENTICITY.
We'll see your energy type, your strategy, self and not self theme, authority, definition, profile, centers, gates, channels, circuits, incarnation cross, variables, digestion, environment, perspective, motivation and manifestation.
How much is it?
The total price for the reading is 144 USD
If you click on I WANT MY READING you'll be able to see the availability and pay directly through that link as well.



A Human Design reading is a once in a lifetime reading and can fully transform the person’s life, so I get why you'd love to gift it to someone!
Do I need to have any particular knowledge before the session?
No. I'll explain everything you need to know
Is this the same as an astrology chart?
Human Design combines astrology and has some similarities with the astrology chart. However, the information you will get will not be the same. Human Design not only takes the information of the planets at the time you were born but also 88 days before, merging conscious with subconscious information about you.